BCx has contracted with insurance and risk management consultants who handle the day-to-day operations of our company. Each of these brings us an expertise in managing liability programs for blood centers.
Eric Blomfelt, JD, CPCU, ARM – serves as Executive Director and Chief Executive Officer. Mr. Blomfelt has extensive insurance and risk management experience including being the executive director of an association of risk managers and working with risk retention groups.
If you have any questions about the program, you may contact the BCx Executive Director:
Office: (303) 800-8177
Mobile: (720) 259-2486
Email: eric.blomfelt@protonmail.com
Alliant Insurance Services, Inc. – Lorraine Lewis has over 20 years' experience in working with liability insurance programs, including working directly with blood centers. Lorraine and her team at Alliant manage daily underwriting, policy services, marketing, reinsurance and other policy administration matters.
Lorraine Lewis
5444 Westheimer, Suite 900Phone: (832) 485-4070
Cell: (832) 563-3445
Email: llewis@alliant.com
Services Provided by Alliant Include
For assistance with any of these matters, please contact Heather Spicer at Heather.Spicer@alliant.com or Brett.Sauer@alliant.com.
Gallagher Bassett Specialty (“GBS”) (fka Western Litigation): The team at GBS has significant experience in the administration of medical professional and general liability claims, including blood center specific liability claims. GBS will administer receipt of incidents and claims, updating of claim information, reviews with blood centers, etc. GBS also Investigates and manages settlements as necessary and coordinates with local legal counsel.
For assistance with incidents or claims, please contact Kathryn A. Fenelon, Esq. Kathryn_Fenelon@gbtpa.com Phone/Fax (713) 935-2414
Claims Checks/Accounting: Paula Prestridge at paula_prestridge@gptpa.com, Phone/Fax (713) 935-2444
Gallagher Bassett Specialty (“GBS”)
Houston, Texas - Administrative Office
Phone: (800) 588-0619
Services Provided by GBS Include
Kathryn Fenelon, Esq.
Claims Counsel
Phone: (713) 935-2414
Fax: (713) 243-7305
Email: kathryn_fenelon@gbtpa.com
Cherry Bekaert Advisory performs our overall program management and prepares quarterly and annual financial regulatory filings and accounting, and handles day to day administrative matters of BCx. For assistance, please contact Chrisy Colvin-Slusher at Chrisy.ColvinSlusher@cbh.com or Todd Rosenbaum at Todd.Rosenbaum@cbh.com, (502) 882-4459.
Cherry Bekaert Advisory
Attn: BCx/BioX
Services Provided by MCM include
Alliant Insurance Services, Inc.– Manages the BCx reinsurance treaty placements and negotiations.
Conner Ash CPA - Prepares and provides annual audited financial statements.
Willis Towers Watson – Provides actuarial services and rate making consulting.
The daily operations of BCx are conducted by consultants that are insurance professionals However, the strategic planning and administrative/operational oversight is provided by the Board of Directors, the vast majority of whom are blood center executives. Our consultants serve in an advisory capacity to assure consistency with insurance industry norms. Various Committees assist in shaping and implementing Board decisions and formulating the future of BCx.
Executive Committee – Functions on behalf of the Board of Directors.
Claims Committee – Responsible for advising the BCx Board and Consultants on matters that impact how BCx settles claims. Review claims reports provided by the adjuster.
Information Management Committee – Advise on changes in technology that impact how Members operate.
Governance Committee - Responsible for corporate governance and Board nominations.
Risk Management Committee – Responsible for advising the BCx Board and Consultants on matters that impact how BCx Members avoid claims or minimize their losses. Development of risk management seminar and bulletin. Benchmarking of claims and risk management information.
Audit Committee – Provide financial, audit and regulatory oversight to assure that accounting practices utilized are in accordance with government statutes/regulations and "best practices" for BCx.
Underwriting, Rate and Medical Advisory Committee – Advise the Board and Consultants on all underwriting matters including risk exposures, new applicants, member-insured activities and coverage forms for risks underwritten by BCx.